Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What was I thinking?!

Last night was Denim's b-day party show @ The Knitting Factory (flyer below).  Happy birthday Denim!   I kind of found out about this last minute and was running around all day trying to buy a new camera, seeing some stores that carry our brand, getting some research done, etc.  All this to say that I forgot my camera for the show.  And I am not impressed cause it was an amazing show!   I will try to find some pics online for you... but really, the blackberry pictures... not worth uploading... they got some work to do!

I had never heard Kris Kasanova nor Denim... and I was actually happily surprised... good beats, good energy... definitely something you can bump and dance to... 

Kris Kasanova


Then our man Fresh Daily came on.  Mr Sound Man was having many technical difficulties, so basically, Fresh pretty much free styled his entire set... LOVE IT!  He brought up Print for a "why you don't get p*ssy" battle...  Awesome!  Frankly, I had never had the chance to see this free style side of Fresh Daily and I was quite impressed.  I definitely appreciate him 100 times more now.  In the words of everyone there... he killed it!

Fresh Daily


And finally, Outasight.  The guy gives me a cd months ago... which I listen to ALL the time, and I love it, but the package is never fully complete until you see them live, right?!  Needless to say that I've been waiting a little too long to see Outasight live, and that it was all worth the wait!  Babe, I'm really happy I got to hug your sweaty self after your set to tell you how good you were... you exceeded all my expectations... I was really impressed.  So, much love to you, keep up the good work, keep spreading the word... I love dreaming!  And not Sleeping!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tonight @ The Knitting Factory... and we don't stop....

This is a beautiful day! Have a great one!!!

Pics from Friday night @ The Knitting Factory - Part 1

Yes... will get a new camera soon... as soon as I sell 50,000 tees... want to help out?! ; )

Fresh Daily taking his spot... doing his thing, looking particularly fresh in pink... got to love this boy's style!


The place was packed.... the stage too! 

SOMEBODY GET A BODYBAG... What?! What?!  Hahaha! So Good!

Just amazing...

I have so much to say right now....

Hey everyone, I wanted to apologize for the lack of writing for the past few days... a lot of exciting things have been happening. It all started with me going to volunteer last weekend. For those of you who have been reading this blog, you know that I was involved (and am always trying to be involved) in a global conversation about how we can, together as a global group, make a difference (for the better) in this world. That entire weekend convinced me (well, I already knew, but it re-enforced this thought) that every single one of us matters in our groups and communities... in this world. That, sticking together and taking a stand is what makes us strong and what gives us the power to change the world. Not this selfishness and individuality BS... that only isolates people... and that's why people end up living their lives like zombies and not enjoying any minute of their lives. It's because they are not committed to anything... because they are not part of a group. So much energy and life comes from the sense of belonging.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to talk down at anyone. I'm talking from experience. I was that person. I was that person living life like a zombie... never wanting to wake up, never wanting to participate in anything... basically I had lost the willingness to live and have a joyful life. But now that I see what's possible from everyone sticking together and helping each other out... I would never want to go back to living just so the day can go by. And I want to scream to everyone to wake up, take a stand for your life, and LIVE NOW! No time to waste! Someone could pull your plug tomorrow for all you know! Make a change NOW!

Love you all!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gnarls Barkley - Who's Gonna Save My Soul

So intense, so sad, so real, so true... got to say it as it is! Love it!

Rock Steady Crew

Last day!  Free outdoor concert & Food Drive - In memory of "Frosty Freeze".  Come celebrate today (Sunday) until 8pm... get all the info on @

Hosted by : E.O.W
DJ's : JS-1, Eclipse, Tony Touch, and our boy Sucio Smash.
Beat Battle : Meet the Producers vs. Big Tune
Em Cee's : The Bestnuts, Buckshot, Craig G & Marley Marl, Sadat X, Soul Sonic Force, Positive K, Grand Master Caz, DJ Premier fear NYG'z & Blaq Poet, Termanology & DJ Statik Selektah, Akrobatik, Skyzoo, a Female Cipher-Lyric a.k.a. Sara Kana, Mala Reignz, Patty Dukes, Miss Nana & Rece Steele, Q-Unique, KRS One, Double Barrel (Marco Polo & Torae), our friends A-OK Collective, and more....

 See you there!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So I'm browsing through blogs for my daily research and stop by Kix and the City which is a blog dedicated to sneakers right... I come across this post about the new Miami Beach Training Camp store (old Arrive spot), and guess who tee is in the pictures to show how nice the store is... well EN of course!  Thanks for the love guys... 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This is dedicated to you

I am currently working real hard on the new Emperial Nation collection.  I'm really excited about the coming themes... can't wait to share with all of you...!  They're coming soon... 

I just wanted to take a break to thank each and everyone of you for all the love and support.  Each and everyone of you matter to me, to us... and I really wanted to make a point in telling you that you matter to this community, movement of people working hard and pushing for a better world... your community, your world needs you.  Embrace that and make a difference, inspire people, stand in a way that will get people talking about how amazing you are... keep changing your world... keep spreading the love!  It is so worth it!

Edreys + DJ Lopro : CLASSICS

It's finally out!  Check out Edreys' new baby called CLASSICS... do not be mistaken... this is NOT a mixed tape...  Get the whole story and your copy on the DTR45 online shop.  Lets keep spreading the love!

Extra special thanks and much love to Edreys & DJ Lopro for representing Emperial Nation on their album cover... 

This Friday! It's all happening @ The Knitting Factory!

You have to come through this Friday to celebrate hard successful work, great music, fantastic energy, amazing people, etc... I could go on and on!  Check out the flyer for all the info... we are all going to be there!  Let's make this big!

Come support my man Homeboy Sandman and the AOK Collective crew!  We are all part of this movement, we are all making it happen... let's keep standing together!  See you Friday!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We have a few tees left...

Hey guys!  I have great news for you... we have a few BHF tees left!  You've been seeing it everywhere, I've been talking about it too much (!) ... now you have the chance to get to for yourself... it's on sale on our on-line store... 

We will be giving $10 from each tee to the Brooklyn Bodega.  Take a stand and help support this revitalized Hip Hop culture community... the movement is coming back... we are now witnessing the start of something that is going to be huge!... be part of it!

By the way, this is a small limited edition run, so only a few tees are available... you  should get on this fast!

Another special thanks to Fresh Daily, Homeboy Sandman, sputnik Brown, DBA Brooklyn, Mr Hackey and the Brooklyn Bodega for being so great and helping to make all of this happen!

Monday, July 21, 2008

More from the BHF...

Press Play! Check out for the tee!

More BHF pics


Keith Murray

Ralph McDaniels

Crazy Legs

Dres from Black Sheep

Sway & Rich Nice

Brother J from X Clan

Buck Shot

Thanks for al the pics guys!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Changing the world, one conversation at a time...

There is nothing more inspiring and powerful than being in a room filled with about 100 completely different people (all ages, nationalities, colors, sexes, life experiences) all in the same conversation about making a difference in this world and making the world a better place.  Acknowledging that each and every individual matters and is important in a group, in our family, communities, organizations so we can stand for each other and stand together for a bigger goal, in a bigger game... lets all get together and start this global conversation.  Lets start saving the world within our groups... and don't stop there... always take the conversation to a higher level... play a big game!  It is your life! Take a stand!

That is what I am doing this weekend.  I am volunteering my time to help create and be part of these conversations.  I am so touched and inspired to be surrounded with people that want to be part of this conversation.  This weekend, 100 people were brought to our conversation... you can change the world, one conversation at a time... Do It!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Changing the world, one weekend at a time...

Good Saturday morning everyone!

This is just to let you know that I probably won't be writing much this weekend because I'm taking a stand in my life and making the world and my life better by volunteering my time all weekend long... but this is a marathon!  I have to wake up at 5:30 am or 6 am every morning (started Friday morning) and I get back home around 1 am... get few hours of sleep and do it all again.  I'm tired as f*** , but it's an awesome personal challenge.  It allows me to push myself to extremes (all to realize it's not all that bad) and for someone else... so you take all of the selfishness out of it.  It;s very inspiring to see a group of people coming together, in the same circumstances and stick together to form this homogeneous team which can take on anything... which could actually take on the world, and making the world a better place.  So on Monday, there might be a post on how we are all going to get together and make a difference in our worlds...!  Look for it!  

Love you all!!!  Have a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Found more EN & BHF pictures! - Part 1

I really don't want this to die... so I'm going to post as many pictures as I can find from the Hip Hop Fest featuring Emperial Nation...!

Hurol (Emperial Nation), Carl (Vault), Greg (Emperial Nation) holding down the fort under the tent...

EN back shoulder hit... watch, learn, recognize!

Oh... can we go back please...?  Let's have another one next week ok?!  What do you guys think about doing it on the beach next week?! 

Ladies being creative... loving it!  Rock it girl!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Too funny... had to post it....!

Edreys showing his love

Just got an e-mail from Edreys, an up and coming rapper from Buffalo who's been getting a lot of press lately and who is hustling, doing his thing, saying that he wore our tees for his new mixtape cover... check it out!  
Edreys (left) & DJ Lo Pro (right)
Both in our Discovery tee

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Emperial Nation on BET's 106 & Park - video

Finally got it!  Enjoy!

If you still can't recognize our tees... the host is wearing our 'Bad News' tee... 

Brooklyn Hip Hop Fest - Main Day - Part 3

Last pictures from the Hip Hop Fest... hard to say goodbye...


Mr Hackey in our hot tee

Fan of Hip Hop AND Emperial Nation... good look!

Mickey Factz on stage (yeah... that tiny person in the middle of the picture...!) it's like Where's Waldo?... let's call this "Where's Mickey?"...

Tres Best from Sputnik Brown hanging with the family

Rice Restaurant representing
yum... I actually wouldn't eat that... but... YUM!
Do you see how many people showed up!  I'm impressed!  HUGE congrats to the Brooklyn Bodega!

Line up to get in?! Going around the corner!  What's going on?! Love it!

My girls waiting in line (hahaha... sorry i couldn't let you in!)  Paridee & Amie... my old 555 partners in crime!

OH! Game time!  'Where's Blu?"!

My girls chillin in the sun...

Fun with friends after the Fest