Thursday, December 4, 2008


Andrew W.K. is rocking our Bad News Tee in

In an uncharacteristic move, we here at PAPERMAG decided to look beyond our safe little New York lives and chose to celebrate nightlife on a much larger scale by including "America's Best Party" in the roster of People's Choice categories at this past Sunday's Nightlife Awards. The people, as they say, have spoken, and after an online voting competition, deemed Funk Night, Detroit's monthly throw-down, the best party in America. Andrew W.K., himself a Michigan native, had the pleasure of announcing the award at Sunday night's award show, which was pretty exciting. The Funk Night crew flew all the way to NYC for the awards ceremony (check out the photos above), and we were able to ask promoter Mike MakCool a couple questions about his legendary party.

So tell me, what exactly is Funk Night all about?
Funk Night is an all night party on the last Friday of every month, with two DJs, Frank Raines and Brad Hales, and the occasional guest or live funk group. The two DJs are some of the biggest funk and soul 45 collectors in the Midwest, and play some of the rarest funk available, meaning only original 45 vinyl all night long. The party was started by Scott Craig about eight or nine years ago and when he moved out of the city he passed full reigns over to Frank and Brad. Over the last year Funk Night has been moving around Detroit to various locations with my help (tour detroit / MKL Productions).

Why do you think it deserved to win America's Best Party?
Funk Night has been one of the best parties in Detroit consistently for years now, and it has a large and devoted crowd of people who like to get down and let loose. It has one of the most diverse crowds you could imagine, and brings out the best of Detroit. Detroit being one of the best party cities in the country, and Funk Night being one of the best parties in the D, it seems to be a good fit.

How would you describe the Detroit party scene -- what's it like these days?
Like I said, Detroit is one of the best places to party. We have some really great music coming out of Detroit, and we are pretty spoiled. Dance parties go harder and longer than anywhere else. We like it grimey, we like it hard, and we love to have a lot of fun, let it all go and just dance. From dance, electro, techno, disco, hip-hop, DJs, live music and anything in between and with a lot of crossover, there are a lot of influences to develop what a Detroit party is today.

Anything you'd like to say to your legions of supporters who voted for you?
A big thank you, because the people in Detroit are what makes it all happen. It was great to see what Detroit can pull together in just a few short days, Funk Night def has a lot of support and it showed. Special shout outs to Peoples Records and 323East.

323 EAST carries Emperial Nation...check them out below!

323 EAST
323 E 4th St.
Royal Oak, MI 48067

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